have experienced many disappointments in my life. The time I was picked
last for kickball, I played my hardest to make sure the other team
regretted not picking me. The time I was asked a girl in high school
out, who will remain nameless, I knew she was not right for me anyways,
and she was just missing out on the awesome, that is me. Waiting in line
for Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menace, do I really need to say it.
All of which are huge disappointments, and have shaped my life forever,
Brave however is at the smaller end of disappointments.
Brave is the new adventure from Pixar, a company who’s track record is pretty amazing. I have only not really liked 1 film by them, Cars. Cars just had a little too much Chevon commercial, mixed with nascar, mixed with “dadgum”, for me. Cars was the least interesting of interesting concepts and still looked amazing. The trailer for Brave seemed like it was going to be a fun fantasy adventure. The more I heard about this film the less interested I became. The concept just seemed so plain for Pixar. Young girl, that just wants to rebel against her mother trying to run her life. She just wants to be free and ride through the forest, and shoot arrows, sounds like a “first world problem”. Hey, guess what little red-headed princess: there are people in the world that have to work for their food and don’t live in castles, you have it pretty good, shut up
The whole plot just seems so over worked. Parent trying to run a child’s life, child not really understanding the parent wants what is best for said child, and shenanigans. The film takes place in an interesting setting, a sort of faux Scotland, but I am sorry, it was done better in How to Train Your Dragon. I would watch that film over Brave any day of the week. The animation looks amazing and I am sure It would look good in 3D( I just saw it in 2D), but we have come to expect more from Pixar than just good animation. They are known for their interesting perspectives, and depth of characters for “kids films”.
So it looked amazing, the main Character Merida’s hair was so amazing you could see each individual strand. The forest and creatures were stylishly crisp. Where this film failed for me was the lack of a interesting plot, and a lack of laughs to hold my attention. The script seemed to surround falling down humor, or the dialogue-less little brothers, who get themselves into mayhem. This filmed seemed like disney in the old days, are you going to start having filler songs in the middle to make up for the lack of plot Pixar? I almost thought this film might have Merida standing in the forest singing about her woes to all the woodland creatures. It would have fit this film’s feel, and just so we are clear- that is a bad thing.
The Rating System
Production ( Directing, Editing, Music)4-5
Story ( Plot) 2-5
Characters ( Likability, Acting) 2-5
Writing ( Dialogue, Cleverness)3-5
Emotions ( Was it; Fun, Scary, Sad, Do I care)2-5
Over all score 13-25