the hell happened to Ridley Scott? If you don’t know what Ridley Scott
is, He is the director of such films as Blade Runner, Gladiator, Aliens,
and Prometheus. He has been one of my favorite director since I was a
child, when had no idea what a director was. I even liked Legend, which
most people I have talked think it’s terrible, but when you watch
something as a child that, “first watching experience” is locked in
forever. You will never shake the wonderment and excitement you felt.
I have found over the years that Ridley Scott likes to Director’s cuts
of films. My First thought is, why? Most of the director’s cuts I have
seen are better than the theatrical release. A great example of this is
Blade Runner, much more depth of character and not-so-in-your
face-film-noir stuff. No one saw the film Kingdom of Heaven, this 2005
film’s theatrical release was pretty bad, when I sat down to watch the 3
hours plus director’s cut, I loved it.
So this got me thinking, why does he always release different cuts of
the same film? Time problems? All the most epic movies are crazy long,
who cares. Lord of the Rings, Avatar, Gone with the Wind. Is the studio
pressuring him to make is shorter? or change things, you are Ridley
Fucking Scott, do whatever you damn well please! In Legend they changed
the music for the theatrical release, is this all money based? The money
says jump you say, “ how high”? You make a bad movie in the theatrical
release, why should anyone see another cut of this film, if its so bad
they don’t want to sit through it again?
leads me to Prometheus, I for one was very excited about this film.
Ridley Scott making a science fiction film, set in the same universe as
Alien, awesome! Unfortunately, it was not awesome, but one huge let
down. The movie asks too many questions, and never answers any of them.
All of it seems to lead to a sequel to answer questions, but wait, isn’t
this a prequel to Aliens, aren’t you supposed to answering questions?
This film had no reason to be connected to the Alien films, the ship’s
were the same and some of the monsters and H.R. Geiger bullshit was just
lazy film making in my mind. The Alien connection was just one big
selling point to a crappy film.
I left the theater I was like, WHO? WHAT? WHEN? HOW? nothing was
explained. That is fine if you are making an art film that is supposed
to get emotions stirring and provoking thought, like 2001, or The
Fountain. This film just left me wanting more and not in a good way. You
can leave some things unanswered, but when you don’t give the audience
anything to go on why should they care to watch another film. This is
not a good stand-alone movie, it feels like the first episode of a show,
just getting you thinking about more show. Funny because one of the
writers of this film is Damon Lindelof, creator of Lost the television
show, Connection, I think so.
these guys forget is that this isn’t a show, it’s a movie. You don’t
have until next week to give me some answers, you have two hours and
thirty minutes to have a beginning, middle and end. You are not coming
out with a Prometheus 2 in six months, which if you saw the film would
makes no sense! I hope I am getting my frustration with this film across
to you. So much so I do not think I will spend the time watching a
Director’s cut of this film. You lost me Mr. Scott. Someone with
movie-chops, will have to come to me and say “ Dude, its so much better!
you need to watch it!” Then I might consider it.
film never got me to excited, the tension was flat and predictable. No
sign of the subtle brilliance that is Alien. The characters were
uninteresting and borderline pointless. There were whole scenes that had
no place in the film and never had a follow through. The scene in the
beginning when they talk about the surgery machine, they just happened
to bring on board, “HEY, LOOK AT THIS AUDIENCE”, it made me sick.
Ridley Scott, do you make different cuts because you really can’t
decide what movie to make? Are you so unsure of yourself that you can’t
make just one cut? Are studios really making you make crapper movies for
the masses, or can you just not make up your mind and take a chance?
Stop making directors cuts, make one good film, I don’t care how long it
is, I am not an everyday moviegoer.
The Rating System
Production ( Directing, Editing, Music)3-5
Story ( Plot)3-5
Characters ( Likability, Acting)2-5
Writing ( Dialogue, Cleverness)3-5
Emotions ( Was it; Fun, Scary, Sad, Do I care)1-5
Overall score 12-25
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