Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 2 " unknown"

So apparently my crazy voice inflections and mad hands did not translate to my writing; I will be working on that the best I can. Talking about movies seems to be much easier for me, given that I am so animated. But fear not, I am not giving up! See, exclamation points help (smiley face).

I watched a few movies yesterday with the JMC (alias). He and I both enjoyed this one when it first came out, but unlike JMC, I have seen this film more than once. When we started the movie, I said “ Oh yeah, Jude Law narrates this movie”. I thoroughly enjoy movies that are narrated, as they seem to add an extra element of depth to the film. Narrated movies make me feel like I know something that the characters do not, as in: “ I’m sorry this is not the movie you will be watching. The movie you are about to see is extremely unpleasant. If you wish to see a film about a happy little elf, I’m sure there is still plenty of seating in theater number two.” Have you guessed what movie I am talking about yet?

“Lemony Snicket’s a Series of Unfortunate Events” is kind of a strange movie. I say strange, because I don’t know who this movie was made for. When I watch a movie, I try to decide who is the target audience. If it’s “Toy Story 3,” I can guess it’s made for kids, or people who have enjoyed the other “Toy Story” films. Pixar is really good about making stories for everyone: adults and children alike. This film, on the other hand, seems too simple for adults, i.e. based on children's books. And yet, too dark for kids: there is death, and children put in danger. “You need to Lighten up!” you say. Do I?

It seems like our kids are having to grow up way too fast these days. To make movies about death, murder, and greedy villains. Do they enjoy these movies? Or are the adults enjoying them, and the kids are just going with it? Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed this movie. But to be honest with you, I might have actually enjoyed the movie about the littlest elf more. Watch it.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day 1 500 Days of Summer

A movie a day keeps the mundane away. Not exactly a common belief , but that is exactly what I am going to try and do. "do or do not, there is no try" Did i just quote Yoda? why yes I did. Watch any movie, Netflix, theater, DVD, and whatever else, write a review about the movie and start putting my thoughts into reality instead of just annoying my friends with my crazy movie opinions and well I just want to, so deal with it!
Joesph Gordon Levitt is the man, If you do not know who that is, look him up. He is one of my favorite up and coming actors. I was always aware of him but never really thought much of him until I saw him in the movie "Brick" where he played the main protagonist. If you didn't see him in that, go watch it it's awesome, you might have seen him in the movie Inception. Inception is amazing. The movie I watched is 500 days of Summer. Which is my first post is going to be about.
Now I didn't see 500 days of Summer in the theater, which is my preferred method of watching movies, But I saw it later from netlfix, was instantly amazed and watched it twice In a 24 hour period. What instantly struck me about this movie is the depth of the characters and the none linear story telling. The opening shot is of Joesph Gordon Levitt and Zooey Deschanel Sitting in a Park on day 488, with some narration we learn this is a movie about Boy meets girl, but its not a love story. Instantly hooked, we watched the opening credits of the two main characters as children growing up, with fantastic music by Regina Spektor. Now I don't want to dictate the entire movie to you, but the beginning really sets the Stage for an amazing story.
You should watch this movie before you read anything else. My friend Details( alias) said she hated this movie. This was the reason I watched it Twice to show her what she missed. Details hated this movie because of how Summer ( Zooey) treats the character Tom (Joesph). "She is such a bitch", said Details. I found it my mission to show Details how wrong she was, and ultimately how amazing this movie is. This movie is all about perspectives. Tom had built the relationship to be more than is was, by a lot. Summer in the beginning had stated she doesn't want a relationship, but Tom either thinks he can change her mind or ignores this. Tom being the romantic, believing in Fate and love, doesn't understand why anyone would want to not be in love. Well his struggle is the center of the movie. Now its easy for you to just say Summer is a cold hearted bitch. But what they didn't show you is her preceptive till the end. but if you are already to pissed at her you will miss it.
This movie is one of my all time favorites and I have so much to say about it. But being this is my first post I should probably stop. Watch it.

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