are many trilogies that are groundbreaking, amazing, and will stand the
test of time. These films are incredible, in that during a time when
people struggle to make one good film, they make three good films. It’s
very easy to lose your way after making one good film, and make the next
two suck really bad. Example: The Matrix trilogy. It’s even rarer that
the second film is better than or at least equal to the first. Examples:
Alien and Aliens; The Terminator and Terminator 2: Judgement Day. But
to make three completely awesome films that can all stand on their own,
and can stand the test of time, is a feat. Examples: Original Star Wars;
The Back to the Future trilogy; the Indiana Jones movies (Crystal Skull
has been erased from my mind); LOTR; The Man with No Name trilogy; The
Godfather trilogy; The Romero of the Dead trilogy; The Alien trilogy and
now, The Dark knight trilogy.
I love to compare the Dark Knight films to the original Star Wars
trilogy. The first was just setting up the universe; introducing us to
the tone and the characters. (Batman Begins and A New Hope) The second
film is amazingly dark, perfectly written and directed. (Dark Knight and
Empire Strikes Back) The third (albeit not perfect) had big shoes to
fill (and you could gripe about “Ewoks” all day), but it’s still a great
end to a great series (The Dark Knight Rises and Return of the Jedi).The Ewoks in this film are little nitpicky crap that fans will argue about for years. Bane’s voice sounds strange and dubbed-over the entire film, and I found it to be distracting. We live in a wonderful age of digital surround sound, and yet his voice sounded too perfect compared to everyone else’s. You know that time in the movie, when someone does a post-filming over-dubbing, that sounds a little off? Usually it’s just something tacked on the end of a line, and no one notices it. Maybe their mouth doesn’t quite match up, or they cut to another actor, but it just sounds a little off? That is Bane’s voice this entire film. It only works because he wears a mask the whole movie.
I am taking the time to point out my gripes, because on the whole, this a great film. Everyone loves it and it’s making tons of money as it should, but I would like to say that I enjoy the Dark Knight better. Tom Hardy as Bane is a very good villain, and his character is more flushed out than The Joker. But heath Ledger’s performance was amazing, and would have been hard to top. As compared to the Star Wars trilogy, Empire strikes back was my favorite of those films, and The Dark Knight is my favorite of these Batman films. Anne Hathaway as Catwoman really stole the show for me. Her intensity was amazing; it really gets your heart pumping. Without spoiling any part of the film, people can ask, “why this?” and “why that?” about several parts of the film. But that is just more nitpicking. Ok, shut up, Patrick, it’s a good film.
I felt the same way after I finished watching Return of the Jedi as a child: sad that it’s over. No more Christian Bale as Batman, no more Hans Zimmer film score, no more Christopher Nolan. No spoilers, I promise, but they set it up for sequels in the end. But will there actually be more films? I think Christopher Nolan really knows how to end a film. All of his films end on such an awesome note, that it makes you want more so badly. Will Nolan “pull a Lucas” and come back in 30 years to make sequels/prequels? I don’t really think this story has more to it, and from how the Star Wars prequels turned out, I hope Nolan does not. I am very impressed with the final result and will be seeing this film again soon. How can Batman live up to this? You know in five years they are going to make more, as the franchise has too much money in it. I just hope they are anywhere close to this good. Great job all, thank you for entertaining me, you will be missed.
The Rating System
Production (Directing, Editing, Music) 4-5
Story (Plot) 4-5
Characters (Likability, Acting) 4-5
Writing (Dialogue, Cleverness) 4-5
Emotions (Was it; Fun, Scary, Sad, Do I care) 5-5
Overall score 21-25
For your Listening enjoyment!
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