I was always not a big fan of superman. He always seemed like kind of a simple character, and like most, I felt like he was overpowered. How can you get the humanity of character that is so far from being human? He can’t feel things as simple as love and a sense of duty. I always felt his thought process was like “ I have super powers, I must use them for good”, pretty boring right? You never feel like he asks the question of, “Why should I use my powers?”
Story (Plot)4-5 Man of Steel seemed to be the same sort of film. Superman will get into trouble and he will have to make tough choices and fly around and stop things that will be superhuman. The story goes in a direction that I was not expecting. There is the normal superman origin, with Kryptone dieing and parents sending him off to live on Earth. Baby Superman being found by Kansas farmers, all sounds very familiar. But the way that the story is structured and told throughout the film, you are not bored or impatient through these scenes. Never feeling like you are waiting for the new story to come along.
Production (Directing, Editing, Music)4-5 This really comes down to fantastic editing, knowing the audience is familiar with the story, but you still have to tell it. You can either retell the story and bore half the audience, or not tell the it and have the other half lost. I am please with how Zach Snyder , the director, handled this. Get right into the meat of the story and have flashbacks to tell his origin. Fantastic choice, and doesn’t stop the plot moving forward. This movie had another great score by Hans Zimmer, for the first time, they are going away from the original score by John Williams. Hans does a great job as ever, and although I enjoy the original score, it was nice to hear something fresh and new. After all this movie is just that.
Writing (Dialogue, Cleverness)5-5 I have to say this was top notch the whole way. The dialogue felt fresh and free of silliness. You feel like they can be serious and humorous, without skipping a beat. They really make you understand the root of who superman is as a person. You can see and feel the tough choices we has to make. I really have never felt like I understood Superman’s character better because of the writing and the ideas they portray. You think about past Superman films and they pale in comparison. This film is dealing with some next level ideas of who superman is and why he fights for humanity.
Emotions (Was it; Fun, Scary, Sad, Do I care)5-5 This film has the heart
that makes you care for the characters as well as gets you pumped up when action starts. They intensity of some action scenes are so amazing. You are on the edge of your seat for the last hour. Your heart pumping and eye dazzling with the splendid adventure of it. This film has those moments that make you pump your fist into the air, cheering for the good guys to win. I had so much fun watching this movie, I got out of the theater and immediately wanted to watch it again.
Overall score 23-25 There is an interesting twist in the storytelling that I did not realize till afterwards. There is no scenes of Superman getting cats out of trees or stopping a bank robbery. The only things he has to deal with are life or death. Superman is not the superhero that deals with the little stuff. As Superman has been portrayed before. He is a force for good. For mankind and the protection of “american Ideals” Freedom and protection of those who can’t protect themselves. He is a man raised to fight for good, who just happens to be Super.
Nothing special, but the sequels probably will be so lets keep that in our minds. Good review Pat.